Cozy Up with Me & You

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Cozy Up with Me & You this holiday season at our winter fundraiser at Bar Bao in Clarendon on Friday, December 1st.
A $20 donation here will give you a free drink (limited time only) + two raffle entries. When you donate, please note your name. Drink tickets may be picked up on the night of the event at our booth.
We're raffling off gift cards to BSide, Birch & Barley, ChurchKey, Red Apron, The Partisan, Bar Bao, Hendricks Barbershop, Bon Chon, Sweetwater, Coastal Flats, Mike's American Grill and more!
Exciting new things are happening!
We'll also be launching our winter apparel! We'll be selling winter hats, snapbacks, tees and hoodies.
We're celebrating officially being recognized as a 501(c)(3) this past summer, and launching our new program that will provide local students with greater access to arts, sporting and other events. For many of the families that we support, taking their kids to these events are beyond their financial means. We're implementing our inaugural phase with students at Jefferson Academy in southwest D.C. We will be taking 50 students at JA to a Wizards game in the Spring.
We'll also be providing students and their families toiletry packages filled with daily necessities, middle school students packages of pads and deodorant, and adopting kids for Christmas this winter.
And this coming February, we'll be on the streets of D.C. providing warm meals and winter apparel to those without a home.
We'll be taking donations through December 10th for these efforts.